HID Shipyard's High-Capacity Chain Bucket Dredger Setting a New Standard in Efficiency and Capability


HID Shipyard deployed a high-capacity large chain bucket dredger to spearhead a crucial sediment treatment project at Yahekou Reservoir.


With an impressive handling capacity of 800 tons per hour, this dredging powerhouse is showcasing remarkable efficiency and effectiveness in addressing sediment-related challenges.


chain bucket dredger

The vessel's design, with its dimensions carefully optimized for performance. Measuring an impressive 59 meters in length, 8.9 meters in width, and boasting a depth of 2.2 meters, the large chain bucket dredger stands as a testament to HID Shipyard's commitment to innovation in dredging technology. Its maximum dredging depth of 15 meters positions it as a versatile solution for a wide range of dredging projects, particularly those requiring deep excavation.


The dredger's formidable capabilities are further underscored by its total installed power of 668 kW, a testament to its ability to handle substantial volumes of sediment with ease. With a handling capacity of 850 tons per hour,  ensuring a swift and efficient response to the sediment treatment project's requirements.


river dredge vessel


As HID Shipyard's high-capacity chain bucket dredger has showcased it sets a new benchmark for dredging efficiency and capability. 

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